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    오랫만에 쏫아졌던 비가 새크라멘토 근처의 강들과 언덕을 깍아내리면서 새로운 땅들이 노출되었읍니다.  원래 49ers이 휘젓고 지나갔기에 조그마한 금 부스러기조차 남겨지지 않았던 강 바닥이나 주변의 강둑에서 금 부스러기를 발견하고 있답니다.  물론 꾸준히 금 채취에 대한 열망이 가라 앉은 않은것은 천정부지로 오르는 금값 때문이기도 하겠지요.  요즘 금 채취가 쉽지 않읍니다. 기존의 광맥에서는 더 이상 금의 생산이 없어져가고 새로운 광맥을 발견하기 위해서는 고도의 장비가 필요하고, 강바닥을 뒤집기 위한 물대포 쏘기는 환경 보호 차원에서 금지히고 있는 현실입니다. 이런 이유로 노출되어진 금 조각이 모래와 섞여 있는 흙을 얕으막한 대야같은 것으로채취하는 panning이 인기입니다.  1848년 James W. Marshall이 이곳에서 처음 금을 발견한 이래로  1849의 gold rush로 많은 사람들이 이곳으로 들어 왔읍니다.  재미로, 역사의 흔적도 더듬으려고 1박 2일의 여정으로 출발하려 합니다.  공원에서 제공하는 설명후에 채취가 허락되어진 새크라멘토 강으로 실습하러 갑니다.  하이웨이 50번 근처이니까 마치고 금요일 단체 캠핑에 합류하기도 쉽읍니다.

    장소: 310 Back St, Coloma

    날짜:  4/20/17,목요일

    시간: 오전 9시 45분

    요금: 7불

    파킹: 8불


    장소: Camp Lotus, 5461 Bassi Rd, Lotus,ca 95651

    날짜: 4/20/17

    전화: 530 622 8672

    요금: 21불( 3인 기준 텐트 사이트)   4인째부터는 일인당 7불입니다.

    질문이 있으시면 두루에게 전화나 텍스트로 연락주세요,  510 828 5634.  그리고 참석 여부는 댓글로 알려주세요.

    선블락 로션과 모기 방지약, 모자, 선글라스, 여분의 옷과 양말 신 접는 조그만 의자와 물신( 어떤 사람은 간이의자에 앉아서 금을 고르고 있네요.)이 필요할 듯합니다.

    목요일에 날씨가 이 지역이 흐리다고 하니 따뜻한 옷도 준비하시고, 금토일에 있을 캠핑 준비도 하셔야 하겠읍니다.


    Go for the gold with Angels Camp-based prospector Mike Darby. (Photo by Jeremy Sykes)

    Gold Country is about to get its shine on, with the U.S. Gold Panning Championships taking place at the Foresthill Heritage Festival on Sept. 3-4 and the World Gold Panning Championships coming to Placerville Sept. 11-18. Want to try your hand at finding treasure? We found five ways to learn the ins and outs of gold panning, like knocking the precious metal into the bottom of the pan, then using a back-and-forth arm motion to wash the dirt away. Whether you find pay dirt in pre-gilded troughs (think stocked trout farm) or on wild banks, here’s how to make the most of your golden opportunity.

    Gold Rush Originals

    Folks eager to find gold can hop over to Frogtown—more commonly known as Angels Camp—where prospector Mike Darby leads guided gold panning adventures through his company, Gold Rush Originals. On his three-hour tours, Darby brings the gear—including pans, pickaxes and rubber boots—and takes modern-day 49ers down to nearby streams like Greenhorn or Six Mile creeks, where they can spot shimmering flakes in the wild. Darby also plans to offer overnight camping excursions this summer, which will allow for two full days of hiking and gold panning along the South Fork of the Stanislaus River—and even more chances to feel that gold rush. $35. Tours by appointment. 1227 S. Main St. Angels Camp. 209-736-0044. goldrushoriginals.com

    Hidden Treasure Gold Mine

    This unassuming gift shop (which was originally built in the early 1900s) in Columbia State Historic Park boasts a treasure trove—actually 20 treasure troughs—in which panhandlers can search for gold morsels. Enthusiastic excavators can choose from three different options, from the Adventure Package (where folks rent a pan, get a group panning lesson and try their luck in the water-laden troughs) to the Eureka Package (a miner helps you pan for gold after the group lesson) to the Golden Deluxe, in which students learn different ways to mine for gems, including using pans and rocker boxes. If you don’t strike gold, don’t worry—the shop sells quartz and gold nuggets that have been mined in Columbia. $5-$12. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Daily. 22675 Main St. Columbia. 209-532-9693.hiddentreasuregoldmine.com

    Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park

    Get gold fever at this historic site in Coloma where James W. Marshall first hit pay dirt in 1848, spurring the 1849 Gold Rush migration to the foothills. The park offers daily gold-panning lessons every hour beginning at 10 a.m., with the last lesson starting at 4 p.m. Meet at Bekeart’s Gun Shop, and head out back for the 45-minute panning tutorial, which is taught in dirt-filled water troughs that have been sprinkled with fistfuls of glistening slivers. (If you’ve ever fished out of a stocked trout pond, you get the idea.) A vial for collecting gold flakes is included with the lesson. $7 ($8 for parking). 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily. 310 Back St. Coloma. 530-622-3470. marshallgold.com

    Pioneer Mining Supplies

    Before you go panning around Gold Country on your own—the activity is allowed along the North and Middle forks of the American River in the Auburn State Recreation Area—stop by Pioneer Mining Supplies in Auburn to get set up with a lesson from local prospector Gary Shaver. Shaver—who brings the buckets, pans and vials necessary for the venture—takes newbies out to the Bear River campground in Colfax, where he teaches them how to find areas where the precious metal might have settled and how to use a sluice box to wash away most of the dirt before getting down to the panhandling that will reveal the shiny flecks of treasure. Prices start at $30. Lessons by appointment. 878 High St. Auburn. 530-823-9000. pioneermining.com

    Roaring Camp Mining Company

    Just a short drive from Jackson or Sutter Creek brings fortune seekers to Pine Grove’s Roaring Camp Mining Company, whose guided panning tours take rookie prospectors down to the Clinton Bar in the Mokelumne River Canyon—only accessible via horseback during the Gold Rush, which is why the majority of gold remained after the miners left. During this day-long excursion (10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday through Friday), pan fans can sift for flour gold (the mining term for gold dust) in the river, as well as swim, collect rocks and visit the Trading Post (the on-site cafe) for campground eats like hamburgers and hot dogs. $40 ($35 for ages 10 and under); reserve in advance. 13010 Tabeaud Rd. Pine Grove. 209-296-4100. roaringcampgold.com

    • profile
      선이 2017.04.14 12:09
      가보고 싶은곳이 었는데 캠핑과 겹쳐서 직장에서 시간을 낼수가 없네요.
      아쉽지만 다음에.
    • ?
      두루 2017.04.14 17:14
      다녀와보고 나서 직장을 접어도 될만큼 되면 살짝 말씀드릴께요.
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      아지랑 2017.04.18 15:49
      회장님 모시고 금잔디 캐러갑니다.

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